Interior design is a passion for me. My work relfects the vibrant textures and timeless elegance discovered during years of traveling through Europe and South America. I started as a color consultant, then became an accreditated full service designer (CID). Along the way aquired accredidation for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED-AP). Combining all my edcation and experiences to create meaningful spaces for over 23 years now. Delivering a kind and understaning approach and really listening to my clients is my professional trademark
See my reviews on YELP
: Showcase Homes Benefiting Local Chairities & Awards
IDS Heart of the Home Most Promising Desinger
IDS Classic Home Lead Desingner & Best Bathroom
IDS Renaissasnce & Romance Master Bedroom & Bath
IDS Western Regional Design Contest Best WineCellar
IDS Fox Hill Estate Bathroom Design
IDS The Chavet, Glenn Ellen Eclectic Contemporary Design
:Memberships Past & Present
Certified Interior Designer (CCID)
Color Marketing Group
Interior Design Society
California Interior Design and Decor